Peer-Bullying in the Military: Welcome To The Bully Race! DAY 45The military exists as an executive power with the purpose of protecting and defending a nation, its resources, people and borders. In...
Humanity – Are we The Bullies of Life? DAY 44Someone recently pointed out to me how porn in fact is a form of bullying and he argued that bullying in fact is the core point of why...
What can Teachers do about Bullying? DAY 41Teachers in classrooms all over the world are faced with great apathy towards solving the problem of bullying. In fact, very few teachers...
Bystanders to Cyberbullying Stand By Abuse: DAY 40Since last Saturday a story has gone viral in the media about a 17 year old girl who has been publicly taunted and humiliated because...
Cyberbullying – Who’s Responsible for the Bully in your Head? DAY 39You are sitting here in front of your computer, tablet or mobile as you read these words. Perhaps you are a parent, a teacher, a student...
Cyberbullies and Suicide – Is This Murder in Cyberspace? DAY 38Free Choice is Not the Freedom to Abuse – Free Choice is the Ability to Make a Choice to Experience yourself in Different Ways Without...